Amazon is extremely buyer friendly.
Amazon return / exchange policy - the best in the business for buyers - Free EBAY, PayPal, Business and Law Forums - Ebay Suspension, PayPal Limited
But so buyer oriented that they allow most anything to be sold on their site, even in direct competition with other sellers.
For example Amazon has allowed a Chinese knock off of a patented bedding product to be sold on its website, which has destroyed sales by the original U.S. manufacturer, a business started up by a nurse and her husband.
Access Denied
Basically, AMZN doesn't really care who sells on their website, as long as they sell.
Amazon return / exchange policy - the best in the business for buyers - Free EBAY, PayPal, Business and Law Forums - Ebay Suspension, PayPal Limited
But so buyer oriented that they allow most anything to be sold on their site, even in direct competition with other sellers.
For example Amazon has allowed a Chinese knock off of a patented bedding product to be sold on its website, which has destroyed sales by the original U.S. manufacturer, a business started up by a nurse and her husband.
Access Denied
Basically, AMZN doesn't really care who sells on their website, as long as they sell.