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TD Ameritrade adds new features to their stock charting software

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  • TD Ameritrade adds new features to their stock charting software

    TD Ameritrade (TDA) just today added a new feature to the charts on its smart phone app where you may add other information besides just price to the chart. Standard additional info is the "inline volume" via bar graph along the bottom of the chart. Correlate the volume (relative height of the inline volume bar) with price spikes or dips and you may discern whether the change is due to real activity or just a few buyers. Click image for larger version

Name:	TDA_inlinevol_chart.jpg
Views:	757
Size:	36.0 KB
ID:	67847 Click image for larger version

Name:	TDA_inlinevol_chart2.jpg
Views:	577
Size:	47.0 KB
ID:	67848

    A little harder to see the bars on the one day chart but the bars are there, and more visible during market operation (these images were taken after market's close). The bars are red or green correlating to a rise or drop in relative price.
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