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NFLX - Netflix stock

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  • NFLX - Netflix stock

    This is a combination of a growth company and a momentum stock.

    While the P/E is pretty high (currently over a hundred), the EPS is solid at over four dollars and the company has great prospects.

    Anyway, for whatever reason this stock likes to fly - up or down, and presents a great deal of opportunity for the trader. With net neutrality on the horizon
    Net Neutrality: President Obama's Plan for a Free and Open Internet | The White House
    companies like NFLX, that require huge blocks of of data to be transmitted across the 'net, will benefit greatly. (And will send its stock even higher.)
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  • #2
    I've held 100 sh of NFLX for years now, since 2011. That's about a double.

    Additionally, I trade anywhere from 500 - 2000 sh of this stock at a time. It can be pretty exhilarating, and I've been at both long and short positions on it.

    My latest trades on this were 700 sh, yesterday 454 to 455, and then bought another 453.6 at the bell which I held overnight to today, sold at 456. Of course it's much higher now (460) so I sold way too early, but money is money.

    Looking to buy back 700 today at 459 if it dips that low. If I see it dipping towards that price too fast, I'll quickly lower the buy, but trading like this is a tough process and not for everyone. Sometimes you lower your bid too low and you don't get the stock and wish you had. Other times you buy and it keeps falling lower. But I've had great success with all my trades for a couple years now, almost no losers.
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    • #3
      Today NFLX continues to jump both on pre-earnings excitement, and rumors that it will split. Today, they'll take NFLX at any price! Opened at 470.68, and pushing 484 already. I traded it twice, long already, 472 to 473, and 470.5 to 471. Of course on that second trade I am kicking myself for having sold early, at 1000 shares I was looking at over ten grand profit easily today if I had just held.

      The 100 shares I hold always are up nicely too.
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      • #4
        Went long on NLFX twice today worked out great 480.5 to 481.5 in the pre and 479 to 480 shortly after the bell.

        After all that had an order to short at 481 should have lowered to 480 would have made out like gangbusters because it's at 475 or so now. 481 just seemed like the safer short but on that round it didn't quite get there.

        Oh well booked $2K for the day. The safest and best trades are early AM before volume dries up.
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        • #5
          I was playing it safe, very conservative, small long position only, and yet NFLX went up so much in the AH (aftermarket) tonight that end result for me on NFLX alone:
          Click image for larger version

Name:	PonyUp_4_15_2015.jpg
Views:	80
Size:	16.2 KB
ID:	65765
          That's not to brag - just to show how insane this market is lately and how quickly it can go UP. Just makes me think what if I had bought my usual 1000 shares of NFLX?
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          • #6
            The best strategy on this stock is to hold some long term, because - let's face it, this sucker for whatever reason does tend to go up in the long term. I have held 100 shares long since 2011, and do not intend to sell those 100 shares.

            At the same time, occasionally I buy 200 or more additional shares to position trade long - especially a week or two before earnings.

            AND THEN, I trade anywhere from 1000 - 1750 shares at a time long, and short. Daytrading. The TRADING strategy on this sucker is to go long on the days when you see NFLX long in the pre-market, And on a morning where NFLX gets a boost on an analyst recommendation, don't be scared, buy the sucker on the first dip after the opening jump, and hold it for an easy few points as it rallies back up.

            BUT ON THE DAYS that NFLX is negative in the pre-, or starts its downward spiral, SHORT SHORT SHORT it because this stock just can't even find a bottom once it starts its downward spiral. Safer to short it on the way down than buy the dips. But I don't recommend holding a short on this stock over night, because analyst recommendations tend to happen in the AM and then you would be screwed on the major gap up.

            IN GENERAL: this stock is very predictable. When it is on its upwards trend for that day, it tends to go up up up. And when it starts going down, there is no end in sight, at least for that day.
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            • #7
              NFLX is on a downward tear today, and lately has been unable to move beyond the 620s even after repeated analyst upgrades to the 700s. Once the suckers are weeded out though, the stock will keep rising and hit 700 by the end of this year certainly.
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              • #8
                All time high, in the 630s now. STAY ON TARGET!
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                • #9
                  A little profit taking on NFLX today - tomorrow, June 9th is the annual shareholder's meeting which may pave the way to a stock split. Although in reality a stock split is meaningless (just gives you more or less shares at a divided or increased value - in this case NFLX would be giving each shareholder more shares at a lower price per), psychologically, it brings the price of the stock down to where more people feel that they may afford it, and then pretty rapidly the stock starts going back up.

                  For example, pre-split AAPL was having trouble holding 700, and then after a 7 for 1 split, it rapidly went back to 100 per share and well beyond, for a current adjusted pre-split price of over 900.
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                  • #10
                    NFLX taking a breather today after ROARING some 50 points up up up! this week.
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                    • #11
                      NFLX 7:1 split announced this afternoon. Stock rocketing! over 700 now.
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                      • #12
                        Volatility! NFLX went from a high of 706 to as low as 675 today.
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                        • #13
                          Other than the 100 shares I have held since 2011, I am out of NFLX since yesterday. Good thing too - down over twenty! points today.
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                          • #14
                            Imagine how much a Netflix market maker earns off our trades....
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                            You must have to knife someone besides passing off a suitcase full of cash bribes to move up to such a profitable position. First off, the stock trades at a high dollar, so a much larger than just a few penny spread is expected, and often times the bid/ask vary by a dollar or more. Not quite as bad as the spread you often see on something like, for example WYNN, but still, imagine:

                            1. High ticket stock.
                            2. Big spread.
                            3. Often huge volume.

                            Win place or show those NFLX mms are just RAKING it in.
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                            • #15
                              NFLX is really starting to annoy me. Have 1000 @ 93.97 I had an order in to sell at 94.07 which would have filled in the pre- yesterday, just to get the hell out, but I lifted it to 94.47 the night before and the highest NFLX got that morning was about 94.3

                              And now it's below 91. Really annoying me.
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