You may list a few of most anything with no problems. Try to list lots of any factory sealed new designer or electronic item, and EBAY will take you down - not necessarily for VERO, but just because they will not believe that anyone other than a factory authorized reseller could possibly have large legitimate stock of new items. For the most part, they are right - those who sell large quantities of new merchandise are usually selling either counterfeits or items of suspect origin.
For example, I have yet to see someone on here who has large quantities of legitimate factory new designer goods. When push comes to shove, they admit they are selling false ones. A common response from those in denial is, "if they are counterfeits they are good ones."
As far as used items, I have not heard of EBAY molesting people for those items, unless counterfeit.
For example, I have yet to see someone on here who has large quantities of legitimate factory new designer goods. When push comes to shove, they admit they are selling false ones. A common response from those in denial is, "if they are counterfeits they are good ones."
As far as used items, I have not heard of EBAY molesting people for those items, unless counterfeit.