I've seen increasing numbers of cases recently where people have been prosecuted for selling counterfeit goods online. In many cases the people have used the tactics many of us know to operate multiple accounts on marketplaces usually under false or inaccurate details. As a result they have also faced charges of fraud for using fraudulent information on the accounts.
Of course, on here the sale of counterfeit goods is not condoned in any way (unlike on aspkin's forum!). But what about the use of false or misleading details registering accounts when running multiple accounts?
Are we actually committing fraud or is there a defense for this? I'm not trying to scare people, but I know we would not condone any illegal activity on here so it's important we address the law on this.
Of course, on here the sale of counterfeit goods is not condoned in any way (unlike on aspkin's forum!). But what about the use of false or misleading details registering accounts when running multiple accounts?
Are we actually committing fraud or is there a defense for this? I'm not trying to scare people, but I know we would not condone any illegal activity on here so it's important we address the law on this.