When you register for this or any other forum, before you may become a full fledged member, you must confirm registration via an EMAIL that is sent to you. You will not be authorized to make any posts or send any private messages until you confirm your email by clicking on the link in the email sent to you at registration.
Occasionally forum members complain that they have not received the email. The email is always sent. However, sometimes the email will wind up in your Bulk or Spam folder.
And, if you are using a POP or IMAP program to access your email, such as MSFT Entourage / Outlook or Apple's MAIL program, the contents of these Bulk or Spam folders may not reach you at all, and you may think you are not receiving the registration confirmation email.
You are receiving it. It is just being placed in your Bulk or Spam mail folder.
NOTE: if you are using GMAIL you MAY need to Whitelist modeeworld to make sure you are receiving it, follow these steps:
410 Gone
and add the email address [email protected] to your whitelist set to "Never send it to spam."
If you are using hotmail/outlook or yahoo there are similar instructions to whitelist "safe" the emails from modeeworld
Whitelist Instructions
NOTE: emails from Modeeworld will come from [email protected] Whitelist that email address.
THE SOLUTION when you think you are not receiving the registration email is to log in via WEBMAIL (on a browser) to your email, and look for the formal Bulk or Spam folder. In these situations, you will find the registration email there, guaranteed.
The above also applies if you are not receiving confirmation emails when you receive PMs at the forum - as long as your Modeeworld user preferences are set to receive such emails, you ARE receiving all such emails but they are winding up in your spam/bulk filter.
You may also login and register using your Social Network account:
Login and Register to Modeeworld with your Social Network account - Free EBAY, PayPal, Business and Law Forums - Ebay Suspension, PayPal Limited
Occasionally forum members complain that they have not received the email. The email is always sent. However, sometimes the email will wind up in your Bulk or Spam folder.
And, if you are using a POP or IMAP program to access your email, such as MSFT Entourage / Outlook or Apple's MAIL program, the contents of these Bulk or Spam folders may not reach you at all, and you may think you are not receiving the registration confirmation email.
You are receiving it. It is just being placed in your Bulk or Spam mail folder.
NOTE: if you are using GMAIL you MAY need to Whitelist modeeworld to make sure you are receiving it, follow these steps:
410 Gone
and add the email address [email protected] to your whitelist set to "Never send it to spam."
If you are using hotmail/outlook or yahoo there are similar instructions to whitelist "safe" the emails from modeeworld
Whitelist Instructions
NOTE: emails from Modeeworld will come from [email protected] Whitelist that email address.
THE SOLUTION when you think you are not receiving the registration email is to log in via WEBMAIL (on a browser) to your email, and look for the formal Bulk or Spam folder. In these situations, you will find the registration email there, guaranteed.
The above also applies if you are not receiving confirmation emails when you receive PMs at the forum - as long as your Modeeworld user preferences are set to receive such emails, you ARE receiving all such emails but they are winding up in your spam/bulk filter.
You may also login and register using your Social Network account:
Login and Register to Modeeworld with your Social Network account - Free EBAY, PayPal, Business and Law Forums - Ebay Suspension, PayPal Limited