We've never recommended PayPal to PayPal transfers - the end result if both accounts are stealth is often limitation.
An analysis of ways get money out of PayPal, including bank, ATM, casino, PP to PP - Free EBAY, PayPal, Business and Law Forums - Ebay Suspension, PayPal Limited
Now, PayPal has taken a step towards limiting movements of funds from a PayPal account to anyone with no PayPal account:
PayPal revised their Terms of Service to make it clear that their send money functionality requires that the person receiving funds create a PayPal account in order to receive the funds.
Policy Updates
Although ostensibly this is a business decision to try to force people to open PayPal accounts, as well it appears to be a preliminary move towards limiting or at least regulating PayPal to PayPal transfers.
An analysis of ways get money out of PayPal, including bank, ATM, casino, PP to PP - Free EBAY, PayPal, Business and Law Forums - Ebay Suspension, PayPal Limited
Now, PayPal has taken a step towards limiting movements of funds from a PayPal account to anyone with no PayPal account:
PayPal revised their Terms of Service to make it clear that their send money functionality requires that the person receiving funds create a PayPal account in order to receive the funds.
Policy Updates
Although ostensibly this is a business decision to try to force people to open PayPal accounts, as well it appears to be a preliminary move towards limiting or at least regulating PayPal to PayPal transfers.