When you supply a social security number or business EIN to PayPal, almost always it is for the purpose of running credit on the person or entity. When that is done - YES, the merchant processor, PayPal, ProPay, whatever - WILL learn the identity of whose number you have provided, or worse - learn that the number provided does not correspond to the person whose name you claim.
More importantly, they have the automated means to verify the SS # against a specific name. If it does not match exactly, they do allow you to FAX in a copy of the SS card, but if the name is wildly different from what their automated system says, then you will still be out of luck.
Also eventually they RUN CREDIT with that social, and if it does not match the name, you will be shut down.
More importantly, they have the automated means to verify the SS # against a specific name. If it does not match exactly, they do allow you to FAX in a copy of the SS card, but if the name is wildly different from what their automated system says, then you will still be out of luck.
Also eventually they RUN CREDIT with that social, and if it does not match the name, you will be shut down.