Scott Henshaw PayPal employee says “People just don’t understand”, he also says that he’s never experienced anything bad when it comes to customer service. Apparently Scott Henshaw has been selling on eBay since 1999 but lived on Uranus most of his life or maybe his head is just buried under a huge rock. We felt as though it would be fitting to finally produce an article here on modeeworld about good old Scott Henshaw of eBay & PayPal. I personally think this guy is delusional when he says and I quote, “Their not punishing sellers, their rewarding good seller behavior”, as if to say, “It’s ok PayPal took your money, you’re still able to sell so don’t sweat it!”. This guy is such a tool and a sock puppet as you’ll hear in eBay radio show number 529 along with host “Uncle Grief” better known as eBay seller’s advocate Jim Griffith. Uncle Grief is like the dirty happy clown of eBay or the seller’s representative with no seller spine.
Scott Henshaw YouTube Channel and his eBay seller id is nanettestore where he’s had three negatives and two neutral feedbacks in the last twelve months of selling and still seems to maintain his seller status while real 100 percent feedback 5.0 DSR sellers are getting MC999′ed off the platform with no ability to appeal or explanation as to why they are being booted. Many sellers at this very minute are getting purged of eBay simply because they don’t purchase stores or other products from Ebay Inc. Maybe you have been recently limited while having 100 percent feedback and high DSR’s but eBay told you that you sell too much so they lowered your monthly selling. This is done only to drive buyers to top rated sellers like Scott while you waste your money in listing fees over and over only to have your listings hidden from Google search or better yet your account terminated for being a so called risk to the community.
eBay and PayPal employs a bunch of dirty rotten workers that come up with silly ideas to screw the seller and at the same time use Lithium or Liveword social media shills to work places like YouTube trying to spin negative bad PR into a positive message in order to produce a specific outcome. Go happy loyal servants like Scott Henshaw attempt to make you feel happy about being an eBay seller or PayPal while eBay robs you blind of your money and inventory. Just look at what they allow on eBay Motors with all the vehicle listing fraud. eBay only wants their final value fee, they don’t care if honest hard-working people get scammed, it’s in the name of bottom line profits for them. eBay and PayPal is corrupt and with the recent evidence of buyer and company charge back extortion, I predict that they won’t be around in 2016 unless they clean up their act.
Scott Henshaw came out on eBay radio and supported seller purges. He claims he doesn't work for PayPal but we found this to be an untrue statement.