To summarize:
This thread explains how I have developed a proven way to get approval for eBay Managed Payments even in a stealth account.
This method works easily for any US resident, but there is even a way to do this for a non-US resident.
Come March 1, 2019, eBay will no longer allow sellers to use their own ebay checkout integrated merchant accounts
Merchant Accounts - Free EBAY, PayPal, Business and Law Forums - Ebay Suspension, PayPal Limited
to process payments for auctions. In other words, come March 1, 2019, no more "merchant account only" ebay accounts.
However, the detail on how exactly this will work are not entirely clear. For example
Payments and earnings | Seller Center
and other sources, state that
"Current sellers can continue to use IMCC [Integrated Merchant Credit Card] until Mar 1, 2019. Although you need to remove this payment option from your listings by then, buyers will still be able to use a credit or debit card when they buy your items."
what exactly this means, remains to be seen. Does it mean that an ebayer who does not sign up for Managed Payments and has already been approved for merchant account only status will be able to still accept credit card payments somehow?
Another interesting wrinkle is that at least until summer 2019, this new eBay Managed Payments will NOT even allow PayPal payments. Ebay is clearly moving AWAY from PayPal.
What is not stated, and must be true, is that the payment processor for Managed Payments must be Adyen
eBay to Intermediate Payments on its Marketplace Platform via Adyen and not PayPal - Free EBAY, PayPal, Business and Law Forums - Ebay Suspension, PayPal Limited
the Dutch company.
What IS stated, is that this new payment processing system WILL issue you a 1099-K if you are in the U.S. and process over $20K and 200 transactions in a calendar year:
which means that it will be impossible to sign up for eBay Managed Payments in the U.S. without a valid tax identification number for reporting purposes. However, I have developed and am testing a method to sign up for eBay managed payments, even with a stealth eBay account. The details of this process will be written into a soon to be updated version of the Short List. (The Short List is updated almost weekly.)
Basically, eBay is slowly rolling out this new system. For now, eBayers who are on the merchant account only (IMCC) status, are being invited to join. Gradually, ALL ebayers will be forced to sign up, and the days of merely having an ebay account with nothing but a completely separate PayPal as the sole payment method will be over.
This thread explains how I have developed a proven way to get approval for eBay Managed Payments even in a stealth account.
This method works easily for any US resident, but there is even a way to do this for a non-US resident.
Come March 1, 2019, eBay will no longer allow sellers to use their own ebay checkout integrated merchant accounts
Merchant Accounts - Free EBAY, PayPal, Business and Law Forums - Ebay Suspension, PayPal Limited
to process payments for auctions. In other words, come March 1, 2019, no more "merchant account only" ebay accounts.
However, the detail on how exactly this will work are not entirely clear. For example
Payments and earnings | Seller Center
and other sources, state that
"Current sellers can continue to use IMCC [Integrated Merchant Credit Card] until Mar 1, 2019. Although you need to remove this payment option from your listings by then, buyers will still be able to use a credit or debit card when they buy your items."
what exactly this means, remains to be seen. Does it mean that an ebayer who does not sign up for Managed Payments and has already been approved for merchant account only status will be able to still accept credit card payments somehow?
Another interesting wrinkle is that at least until summer 2019, this new eBay Managed Payments will NOT even allow PayPal payments. Ebay is clearly moving AWAY from PayPal.
What is not stated, and must be true, is that the payment processor for Managed Payments must be Adyen
eBay to Intermediate Payments on its Marketplace Platform via Adyen and not PayPal - Free EBAY, PayPal, Business and Law Forums - Ebay Suspension, PayPal Limited
the Dutch company.
What IS stated, is that this new payment processing system WILL issue you a 1099-K if you are in the U.S. and process over $20K and 200 transactions in a calendar year:
which means that it will be impossible to sign up for eBay Managed Payments in the U.S. without a valid tax identification number for reporting purposes. However, I have developed and am testing a method to sign up for eBay managed payments, even with a stealth eBay account. The details of this process will be written into a soon to be updated version of the Short List. (The Short List is updated almost weekly.)
Basically, eBay is slowly rolling out this new system. For now, eBayers who are on the merchant account only (IMCC) status, are being invited to join. Gradually, ALL ebayers will be forced to sign up, and the days of merely having an ebay account with nothing but a completely separate PayPal as the sole payment method will be over.