I am new to this forum and must thank everyone for their insightful comments. I posted on craigslist seeking people to work for me and list my auctions. This way, I can always have working accounts with multiple sellers. They obviously would not know my suspended status. Although they would take a 20% cut from my sales, this might be a workable option in my business. Has anyone had anyone had any success with this matter?
No announcement yet.
Has anyone had any success with hiring trading assistants? People to sell for you?
I think you could find people to take you up on that. However just be aware that if you sell a lot, it does open them up to tax liability,
Taxes - PayPal, other credit card processors reporting income (gross receipts) to IRS - Free EBAY, PayPal, Business and Law Forums - Ebay Suspension, PayPal Limited
Reporting requirements - U.S. merchant accounts beginning January 1, 2012 - IRS taxes - Free EBAY, PayPal, Business and Law Forums - Ebay Suspension, PayPal Limited
but some people might not know or care about that.
Although I haven't hired other people to effectively act as agents, I have had suppliers from overseas come to me looking for me to handle the listing and sales, while they would take care of the shipping items. I know other people that have been approached with these offers also. I'll say you need to be very careful of such offers because you are basically extending credit on your behalf to this guy's stock so you better know who you're dealing with and what they're shipping very well. If they don't ship what's advertised you'll be left to cover any chargebacks.