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Modee's Game Plan - The Song Remains the Same!

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  • Modee's Game Plan - The Song Remains the Same!

    My current game plan has gone far beyond this original one, although the paradigm remains valid for those who wish to emulate it.

    However, I now have a much more sophisticated technique: I have not had any EBAY account of mine suspended in over four years now (as of July 2012, and still ticking) and I have developed a new method to pay zero EBAY fees on any EBAY account not associated with PayPal, and the account does not get suspended for any reason, including non-payment of fees. All is well!

    This new method will not be posted in public. Don't bother asking.

    Read below for the evolution of Modee's techniques.


    Create, mmm, one new account every month, unlinkable by IP address, cookies, credit card, email, name, physical address, phone #, to any past accounts. Keep many back ups in reserve.
    Do NOT accept PayPal! Use my own merchant account, Googlecheckout and BidPay.

    Sell SELL! Sell on one account at a time, being careful not to step it up too far until the account is over 30 days old, and more than 10 feedback.

    ACCEPT THE INEVITABLE - that within 2 - 6 months sneaky EBAY WILL link the account I am using at that time, with a past suspended one and shut me down.

    STIFF EBAY for all fees. Pay nothing - I haven't paid a dime in over a year now. Adds up to an obscene amount of money. I don't even want to say how much. EBAY is entitled to nothing anyway - every time I get shut down they pull all my listings and try to get my customers to not pay me. That's tortious interference with a business relationship - they deserve, and will get, zilch! from me.

    START UP with a new account, and keep on...keepin' on!
    Please read the forum rules before you post.

    And if you need extra help:
    Modee Tech Support

  • #2
    I actually get excited when another EBAY account of mine gets suspended - especially since it seems to always happen before I have to cough up any fees. I drag them on unpaid for months. LIKE IT.

    Who gets the last laugh? Again and again. MODEE!
    Please read the forum rules before you post.

    And if you need extra help:
    Modee Tech Support


    • #3
      You check off the box "I have a merchant account" for each listing, and initially, and from then on, how your customers pay you is between them and you.

      Actually my advice is that this is the ONLY way to fly. PayPal and EBAY are linking so in my estimation, PP is no longer an option AT ALL for us if we want to keep from being quickly suspended.

      G.checkout is a little more work - you have to manually prepare each invoice, but in exchange through the end of the year zero processing fees. If you are afraid of using G.checkout, then with a different merchant processor you can automate it to bill people through EBAY auction checkout.
      Please read the forum rules before you post.

      And if you need extra help:
      Modee Tech Support


      • #4
        It's true I do pay the first payment on some of the accounts. So it was hyperbole to say I pay nothing.

        But anyway - follow my formula boys - it is the ONLY way to fly. The longest any of my accounts has lasted is six months. So if you go into this thing thinking that you can fool EBAY indefinitely, and that it is good karma to pay your EBAY bills on time...QUACK! I got news for you - the billing dept. of EBAY has NOTHING to do with T&S. The longer you can stretch out that non-payment, the better. And if your accounts are lasting so long that you are FORCED to make some payment, just switch the credit card on your account to some other gift card with insufficient funds, and that will buy you another month. :-) Don't ask me how or why that works. It just does!

        SO...How are they finding me? What's surprising to me is how long they take TO find me. I sell a unique combination of low and high end goods. I doubt there is even ONE other EBAY seller who sells this exact combination of merchandise.
        Please read the forum rules before you post.

        And if you need extra help:
        Modee Tech Support


        • #5
          Yes, many of us have used the credit cards we got suspended on to pay our fees on other accounts, no problems. So it would stand to reason that a card used to pay one account should not cause problems if used on registry on another account.

          After all, what if your friend/relative/business associate paid your EBAY account fees for you. Now, they are tainted because they paid a bill for you? Would not make sense.

          Anyway, I'm still standing!
          Please read the forum rules before you post.

          And if you need extra help:
          Modee Tech Support


          • #6
            I was out of state for almost two months, and didn't have time to keep up with one of my EBAY accounts that sells small fry stuff. I didn't even have time to bill two entire sets of customers who won auctions that ended while I was away.

            Anyway, I ended up with about seven NEGS and STILL EBAY didn't suspend me. After all the smoke cleared, about nine negs from angry customers who say I never shipped (yeah, well, I never collected any cash either, too busy), and FINALLY EBAY put a restriction on my account (not suspended, just restricted from selling, I can still buy).

            And they say that if I resolve a couple of the disputes I can get back.

            (And I haven't paid a nickel of fees on that account for three months now, and not suspended for that, either.)

            SO...bottom line...when they suspend for reasons other than non-payment of fees or bad feedback, they really do not intend to let you come back at all. You can submit the info, and they may reinstate, but within 30 days they almost always suspend again, for good.

            But when you get RESTRICTED for bad feedback, or non-payment of fees, you CAN get your account back.

            I would also disregard anything posted by someone offering to sell a guide. Sure, he's got all the answers. Pay him for his total 100% working guide to find out more. :-|
            Please read the forum rules before you post.

            And if you need extra help:
            Modee Tech Support


            • #7
              Any EBAY account linked to PayPal is in danger of being shut down. Scan this forum for many reasons why.

              Lately though I have developed new methods to get accounts reinstated, but they do NOT include writing/begging to EBAY, except in exactly the right manner, and at the right time. Do what your heart tells you to do, write to EBAY or PP, call them, and I guarantee you will never be reinstated and your restriction will turn into the permanent boot.

              I have had great success with these new techniques for many. And they include cold hearted sophisticated methods - nothing left to chance or emotion.
              Please read the forum rules before you post.

              And if you need extra help:
              Modee Tech Support


              • #8
                The pre-11/2007 created accounts are real gems - you can be up and selling without any need for PayPal. Just click the box for merchant account and awaaaaaay they goh!
                Please read the forum rules before you post.

                And if you need extra help:
                Modee Tech Support


                • #9
                  Every month I get this same tired request for fees from one arm of EBAY, and yet my method somehow allows me to elude suspension (from the other, T&S limb) even though I pay nothing (at least on the accounts that are not linked to PayPal - on the newest one created with a linked PP account, I may have to cough up something :-(

                  Anyway, among the FAQs supplied in the Payment Request emails:

                  I do not want to pay or do not understand why I should pay.

                  Yep. Those two sentence about size it up for me. Especially the former.
                  Please read the forum rules before you post.

                  And if you need extra help:
                  Modee Tech Support


                  • #10
                    modee - on newly created accounts (30 days old) how do you get away with just using your own merchant account ? I thought you needed to fax them your merchant account information prior to being approved and able to use your own merchant account processing ?


                    • #11
                      Well if the account is pre-11/2007 (created before 11/2007)
                      then EBAY usually does not even ask for any docs at all.

                      As far as getting a merchant account approved, it is a long and difficult road but if you contact me privately I can help with that. Thanks.
                      Please read the forum rules before you post.

                      And if you need extra help:
                      Modee Tech Support


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Modee View Post
                        It's true I do pay the first payment on some of the accounts. So it was hyperbole to say I pay nothing.

                        But anyway - follow my formula boys - it is the ONLY way to fly. The longest any of my accounts has lasted is six months. So if you go into this thing thinking that you can fool EBAY indefinitely, and that it is good karma to pay your EBAY bills on time...QUACK! I got news for you - the billing dept. of EBAY has NOTHING to do with T&S. The longer you can stretch out that non-payment, the better. And if your accounts are lasting so long that you are FORCED to make some payment, just switch the credit card on your account to some other gift card with insufficient funds, and that will buy you another month. :-) Don't ask me how or why that works. It just does!

                        SO...How are they finding me? What's surprising to me is how long they take TO find me. I sell a unique combination of low and high end goods. I doubt there is even ONE other EBAY seller who sells this exact combination of merchandise.

                        I have a PP linked eBay account that just got this email:

                        MC027 EBI NOTICE: eBay Registration On Hold: Non Payment - xxxx
                        Hello xxxx ([email protected]),

                        Your account has been put on hold because the US $xxx.xx balance on your eBay account hasn't been paid.

                        For your account to be considered for reinstatement, you need to pay the balance immediately. Please follow these steps:

                        1. Click "My eBay" at the top of most eBay pages. You may be asked to sign in.
                        3. Under the "My Account" heading on the left side of the page, click the "Seller Account" link.
                        4. Select a method to pay your eBay fees.

                        To learn more about payment methods, please go to:

                        eBay: Redirect

                        If you don't have access to your account or prefer not to pay online, please mail your payment with your payment coupon to:

                        eBay Inc.
                        P.O. Box 2179
                        Carol Stream, IL 60132-2179
                        United States

                        ***Please note***
                        If you're mailing your payment, write your account ID on the check and include a copy of this notice.

                        If your account remains past due, your buying and selling activity may be restricted. Your account may be charged a late payment finance charge of up to 1.5 percent of your past due amount, and collections efforts will continue.

                        If you've already paid your eBay fees, please disregard this message.

                        Thank you,

                        eBay Global Collections

                        Will adding a new CC account buy me another month?


                        • #13
                          There is a little more to it than just that, PM me for details. We obviously do not want Ebay to know EVERYTHING we do.
                          Please read the forum rules before you post.

                          And if you need extra help:
                          Modee Tech Support


                          • #14
                            I maintain two EBAY accounts at all times. One accepts PayPal, the other is approved for merchant account only status. I have backups for both, ready to go.

                            If you know what you are doing, you can still bypass everything EBAY and PayPal throw your way - including the social security number request.
                            Please read the forum rules before you post.

                            And if you need extra help:
                            Modee Tech Support


                            • #15
                              The Short List is the key to learning how to create new untraceable/unlinkable EBAY + PayPal accounts.
                              Please read the forum rules before you post.

                              And if you need extra help:
                              Modee Tech Support

