Square is an alternative to Stripe for credit card processing. Easy to join, hard to keep going. Square is pretty finicky and shut you down in a heartbeat, although in general they are less finicky than Stripe.
If you want to process any kind of volume you need to present a solid front to Square and Modee knows exactly how to do this. Contact Modee for tech support to get your Square account up and running, and reinstated too if it gets suspended for any reason. Modee is a Square expert! (which is not to say that Modee is in any way...square.
If you want to process any kind of volume you need to present a solid front to Square and Modee knows exactly how to do this. Contact Modee for tech support to get your Square account up and running, and reinstated too if it gets suspended for any reason. Modee is a Square expert! (which is not to say that Modee is in any way...square.