lol by the way, this is the first time I can remember lately where an AAPL earnings play would have worked out. Ten points from the low of yesterday to the aftermarket high.
BAC hovering around 12.
lol by the way, this is the first time I can remember lately where an AAPL earnings play would have worked out. Ten points from the low of yesterday to the aftermarket high.
BAC hovering around 12.
Just to put the stock market in perspective – GOOG was at 250 in November 2008. Now well over 400. So, even 50 shares would be up $8500. right now.
We may be in a recession, but the stock market is relatively healthy compared to its low points of 2008.
It was a long day. Not a bad one, everything went pretty much as planned, but there is a lot of work for me to do this month!
Just got back from two back to back vacations, so now it’s…BACK to the grind!
Rocketing again lately! Predictably, it fell in the immediate days before the iPhone 3Gs release, but doing well now!
BAC on its way down…could be time to rebuy soon. Closed @ 12.73 today.
Pushing 13!
is the new ticker for GM. Pink sheets. It got a nice bump recently, but could be simply because pink sheet stocks cannot be shorted.
is way down. My rule of thumb is of course never to buy negative EPS stocks, but this one so low, it’s either going away completely or up from here.
However, it tends not to fluctuate much, so there may not be much room for play on this one.
for Modee. Lots to do, and lots more left to do. I may be going out of state for a while beginning Thursday, so I have to get as much done as possible before then!
Still missing any buy in ops for BAC, but my long term buy AAPL is going up and up lately.